Saturday, November 1, 2014

Lessons from Pune Workshop only six weeks from today.

Lessons From Pune:
A  Workshop with  Anne-Marie Schultz
December 13, 2014

In honor of the celebration of BKS’ Birthday and the continuing legacy of his life, Anne is  offering a one day workshop  based on her recent two month study in Pune.

Morning  Session  9:30-12:00 
Topic:  Standing Poses, Backbends, and Inversions.
Cost: $35.00

Afternoon Session   2:00-4:00
Topic More Inversions, Forward Bends, and Twists.
Cost: $25.00

Whole workshop discount $50.00.
Contact Anne at register.
10% of the proceeds will be donated to the Bellur fund.


Santanu Mondal said...
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Santanu Mondal said...

I'm Interested cause It's great & Any Interested person join hear ..