Wednesday, September 2, 2015

We need students for a Mock Assessment Sept 18-20

 Hi Everyone,  We have several people taking their Introductory/ Intro II level assessments this fall.  We are hosting a mock assessment  the weekend of   Sept  18-20. 
Help us prepare the next group of  Austin Area  Iyengar Yoga Teachers.  

Friday Afternoon Practice will be based on  the Intro  Syllabus and will  be something like a demonstrated practice with opportunity for  questions and feedback on  poses.   4:30-6:30   $20  as  usual.  All are welcome.
We are doing 4  teaching assessments. We need  6-8 students for each one.  You can volunteer for any or  all of them.  This is totally free to the participants.   Anyone with  six months to a year of iyengar experience is welcome.  

Please let  Devon  at Clear Spring Studio   know of your willingness to participate. 

When you contact her, please  give your name, email, phone number and the times you can serve as a student. 

These mock assessments will be held at Clear Spring Studio.  Please arrive  15 minutes before your start time.
Saturday Afternoon  Sept  19  
Sunday morning Sept 20
9:45 - 10:25

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