Thursday, September 24, 2015

A Laurie Blakeney inspired backbend sequence

This summer in Ann Arbor  Jeff and I got up early one Thursday to take Laurie’s  Early Bird Backbend class, this practice is  based on that sequence with some with  other additions in bold (most of which I also have learned from Laurie)  

Some  three hands  at  wall for  Anne’s shoulder   standing at wall   and  AMVira  to AMS  hand variations  on two blocks.

Virasana LOY foot work
Toes turned under to  Virasana

Virasana to Sukasana work.

Virasana    to  Siddasana


Supta Virasana  on bolster   arms  over  head
Eka Pada  supta virasana on bolster  other  leg  bent in M1  foot  on  block,   arms over head interlock thumbs  pull
Rope bhujangasana  vertical bolster  two or three  times


Rope  dog head supported
Parsva Sirsasana  a la  LOY  about three times to each side.
Parsva Sarvangasana three times to each side
Rope  AMS   again
Setubandha off two bricks,   hang from tailbone (sort of like doing from a stump)
Ustrasana,   pelvis to wall,   hands to bolster
Ustrasana  pelvis to wall, hands to feet

Chair  Dwi Pada  Intro
Urdhva  D  Intro

Urdhva D   Junior 1 and 2 
Chair Dwi pada Junior 1 and 2.

Kapotasana  prep   bolster  at  wall, arch back to look at  wall a few times,  then do  with  arms  overhead and arch back to bolster or  floor  or  however far  possible.

Try Kapotasana on chair 

Full  dwi pada  Junior 3

Eka pada rajakapotasana leg  variations. 

Legs up wall. 
Or  supported Halasana / chair sarvangasana
Sukasana sitting at the wall.

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