Friday, October 16, 2015

Anne is leading advanced practice today.

Here’s a  sequence based on some stuff  I learned in  Ann Arbor. 

AM Sukasana
Parsva  AM  Sukasana
Repeat  Legs up on bolster
Repeat  Ankles up on  blanket roll

BK   bolster and roll  then  make shins  connect better. 
Fold  forward.

Virasana   with   saddle  blanket  and then  with the two ski pole  blanket folds for shins with  ankles  hanging   off


Dandasana  feel mid line and grounding

Supta vira  with some breathing


Three hands at  wall.


AMVira to  AMS    Three  hand  positions


Lots of  baddhanguliasana with  little finger and pressing through wrists,  feet apart  look for  groin shoulder  connection

AMS  with thumb and first finger  on block at  wall,  don’t  distort  bones.

AMS  Gripping block

Intersperse all that  with new  and improved  Urdhva   baddanguliasanna

Nifty arm  work 

From kneeling,    wrists down fingers up,  then  elbows down  then   middle finger, other fingers,  then  elbows up  AMS

Very effective

Take that  work  into  PM

AMVrk  three hand  positions 



Ustrasana lots

Salabasana  legs and arms

Salabasana to Makarsasana

Chatush,   reg,  then   feet on blocks,  then  shoulders elevated with  sacrum  on brick. 

Chair dwi   nothing,  sticky  folded blanket  spine wise, then horizontal.

Urdhva  D,      spine wise  for  head,   hands on bricks, forearms against bricks,   hands on chair,  feet on chair,   regular?   Explore  different supports and what they yield.  

 Chair  twists. 

Halasana  sarvangasana  


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