Thursday, October 29, 2015

Anne is Leading Advanced Practice Friday 4:30-6:30

Here's the plan

This  sequence  is  based on some Patricia Walden work from Durango  a couple years back.  I added in some things in Bold that I particularly need to work on.  

Supta baddha konasana 
Horizontal boster, block between  feet and belt feet to waist, rolled blanket for neck, can support outer hips and/or belt knees

Hands to wall
Then heels to wall
Be on median line 

Eka Pada  AMS

Median line of calf
Pillars of inner/outer heels

Parsva utthita hasta padangustasana 
Foot on wall (closed chain)
Then foot in space
Imagine raising thigh w/o hand/belt

Utthita hasta padangustasana   (Work various stages of the  pose  Intro II to  Junior II)  
Foot to wall
Closed chain intelligizes the leg

Ardha chandrasana 
From concave uttanasana 
Foot off the wall, chest to head, lower armpit away from thigh
Foot to wall


Three hands at  Wall,

Three hands on blocks   AMVira  to AMS

Shoulder work

Baddha anguliasana    (Show   various approaches to  pose) 




Eka pada sirsasana 
Parsva sirsasana

Parsva Eka pada

Feet together



Marichiasana 1
Take bent leg in w/thumbs behind knee
Turn, clasp, forward bend

Eka hasta bhujasana 

Dwi Hasta Bhujasana

Gomukasana legs
From kneeling, bend forward, bring leg behind other knee, feet close as possible, toes point back

Ardha matsyendrasana 
(Can take bottom foot to side or marichiasana 3 w/knee issues)
Standing shin perpendicular to floor
Then paschimottanasana action before going to final pose

From UH
Mid tricep to mid shin

Facing wall, use hands to turn body
Spine upright, weight on heels
Belt root of each thigh
Reach around and hold belt

See what freedom has come

Feet on a block, easier to get mid-triceps to mid shin, close space between thighs and chest
(Feet and hands apart if new at pose)
Then no block

Parsva bakasana 
Block faces side, hands to front
Inject knee into high armpit/tricep
Buttocks directly behind the sternum
Roll knee 
Sternum, feet lifting

Wide leg uttanasana 
Bend knees and take trunk progressively between legs, hands back, straighten legs


Eka pada bakasana 2
From bakasana, slowly take foot forward, leg high on arm, arms as straight as possible
1/2 bakasana, 1/2 titibasana

(w/more time, go back to malasana/pasasana)

Baddha konasana 

Upavista konasana 


Eka Pada
Parsva Eka Pada

Supta konasana
Parsva halasana 


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