Sequence based on work with Gabriella from an Austin workshop in 2004
Ams with head on a block to keep the arms lifted, middle back extended
Adho mukha Vrksasana
Standing on right leg first
Urdhva hasta
a. chandra on r. side
vira III
Urdhva prasarita ekapadasana
Utthita hasta padangustha I
Ardha baddha paddmottanasana
u. hasta
repeat on l. side then again
next time, when you come out of ardha baddha padmottanasana, go immediately to Parivrtta Trikonasana
[You can add other poses as you wish. This is a sequence to strengthen the legs.
Supta virasana
Pincha mayurasana
Salamba sirsasana and variations as needed
Parsvottanasana into Parivrtta Trikonasana
Urdhva mukha svanasana on chair
Prep for ekapada rajakapota: lunge into the chair.
First time the back leg on the floor
Second time the back leg bent, shin up the wall
Third time both shins up the wall
Partner chair kapotasana, several times
Urdhva dhanurasana 3 times, classical pose
U. dhanurasana, variations:
1) blocks at the wall;
2) feet parallel and thighs rolled into line.
3) use block between the ankles,
4) lose the block but remember the action, Walk the arms in if you can, but lift the pelvis over the start point. Straight up!
Chair twists
1) chair forward bend like malasana
2) just lean over one knee then the other
3) catch the elbow on the opposite knee and the hand to the chairback, twist like pasasana, twice on each side.
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