Monday, October 19, 2015

Still More Raffle Prizes

The Best  Yoga  Raffle  Ever !!!!

Hi Everyone, At the end of  the Special  Yoga Benefit for George Purvis, we will hold a raffle.  Local yogis and yoginis have generously donated their time and services to make this  an amazing raffle event. 

$20.00 per ticket.

The  prizes  are 

One Tall  Chair  From  Texas Tall Chairs
One Month Unlimited Membership to Austin Yoga Tree
One Month Life Mastery Personal Coaching  with Jonathan Troen
One Slanting Plank  from Ruben and Melissa
One  private yoga lesson with Anne
One hour  massage from Susan Synder  (
One  Designer Bolster  from Concho  Yoga.
Five Class Pass from  Clear Spring Studio.
One  Ayurvedic Consultation with Peggy

Contact  Anne_  at  to  purchase  raffle tickets.

You can also purchase tickets through your local teacher. 

You do not have to be present to win, but the prizes do not include shipping to distant locations, though Anne can arrange delivery to Boerne, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas,  or San Angelo.

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