Friday, December 30, 2011

here's the sequence

we won't get through all the balancings at the end, but we'll do what we can in the time we have.

this one is from the Abbey 2010.

Adho Mukha Virasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
· Jump with both feet between the hands Uttansana
· Jump back AMS
· Jump back Uttanasana
· Urdhva Hastasana come up on the toes and look up try and balance
· Ukatasana
· Come down Malasana
Parsvottanasana x 2
anus and the front of pubis up into the body and extend the truck forward
vinyasanas do several times
malasana, malasana on toes, and bowing forward
then add parvamuktasana and roll back up to malasana etc she called these vedic prostrations in february

Dandasana – paripurna Navasana – urdhva mukha Paschimottanasana Then hands behind head Ardha Navasana did this two or three times.
Urdhva Parsarita padasana
· legs to 90 – to the floor – bend the knees into the chest – repeat 10 time

adho Mukha Vrksasana
· both legs up and down put belt down and aim feet in front of belt
Sirsasana II
Sirsasana I urdhva Dandasana
Sirsasana II
Parivrtta Trikonasana
· Parivrtta Parsvakonasna Uttanasana
Baddha Konasana
Malasana II (I think we did this all the way from standing through utkatasana. )
Sirsasana II to bakasana
Tadasana after each one take head up like very beginning of standing back arch.
Marichyasana III clasp if possible
Ardha Matsyendrasana clasp if possible
Quasi jatara parvatanasana.
Parsva Bakasana
Eka pada Bakasana II
Eka pada Bakasana II
Tittibasana belt legs and go down to Kurmasana.
Padmasana fold forward if Padmasana is coming well.
Urdhva Kukutasana
Paripurna Matsyendrasana
Twisting Padmasana
Parsva kukutasana
Eke pada galvanasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Prone savasana
Urdhva Padmasana
Setu banda full poses dropping over and walking feet out as much as possible

There is Practice this afternoon and next friday also

Hi All, we are on for this afternoon at 4:30 at clear spring. I'll lead it this time around. I'll post a sequence later, but it will probably be twists to start off my year of 2012 - 12 minutes of twists a day

More later come twist and shout the old year out.

then start the new year off right with Devon's backbend class.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Congratulations to the newly certified teachers.

First, Congratulations to the three newest certified teachers in Austin, Seva, Patti, and Debra all passed their assessment. Yippee!!!

Second, Anne is teaching a restorative workshop at Clear Spring this Saturday from 3-5. Cost is 40 dollars. Come relax and unwind before you hit the malls.

Third, Anne is now teaching an ongoing Level 2-3 class at Castle Hill Tuesdays at 9:30. You don't have to be a member of castle Hill to attend. If you buy a 20 class pass, it is only 11 dollars a class!!!!

Fourth, There is practice Friday at Clear Spring. 4:30 cost 10 dollars.

What's on the docket for Friday? dropping over from Dwi Pada

These are some notes Randy sent me from the recent Patricia Workshop in Santa Fe. Devon will lead us through it Friday.

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Morning session 10:00a-1:00pm

SUTRAS 2:46, 2:47, 2:42, 2:48
Harmonious curve of the spine
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Uttanasana - concave
Eka pada supta virasana – keep knee on the mid-line
Supta Virasana
Paryankasana trunk, supta tadasasana legs, belt hammock-sling on arms for head to rest on
Supta Virasana
Paryankasana – draw arms into the sockets
Ardha supta virasana – other leg in maricyasansa
Lunge on front leg, back leg in Bhekasana, before bending keep the foot at the outer thigh, do not let them come apart, do not turn torso
Eka pada Bhekasana
Bhujangasana with calves belted – coil top chest, use the arms with elbows bent
Salabhasana – alternate pose for those not doing full Bhekasana
Bhekasana full pose
Samasthiti – as prep for Sirsasana
Sirsasana – prep with block (savasana block then Tadasana block) legs in pinchamayurasana, sirsasana with fingers interlaced around block.
eka pada
Adho Mukha Vrksasana
Urdvha Hastasana – face the wall to roll the deltoids out and move the upper arm bones away from the wall
Amdho Mukha Vrksasana
Pinchamayurasana _at the wall and balance

Room divided into 2 groups
Beginner group:
Chair dpvd
Ustrasana – front thighs @ chair
Chair dpvd deeper off chair

Advanced Group:
Chatush padasana – holding edge of mat
Urdhva dhanurasana
There was a group dropping over onto a chair
Advanced Group:
Sirsasana drop backs to wall
Legs bent, then straighten
Chatush Padasana, lift thoracic, shins back, lift hips
Urdhva Dhanurasana – belt around the femur heads
DPVD – feet @ the wall

Sirsasana drop-back middle of room, if thumping down then go to a chair, do not let the head lift at all when dropping over. Move the thorasic spine forward
To cool down:
Adho Mukha Svanasana – Prasarita Padottanasana, – Parsvottanasana (do not stay in poses)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Practice schedule from now until May

Hi Everyone,

Here's the tentative practice schedule for Friday's at Clear Spring from now until the end of May. Please check on the website before you come as things do change.

Dec 16. There is practice.
Dec 23 No practice Christmas Eve Eve, both Anne and Devon doing family activities.
Dec 30 practice

6 Practice
13 practice
20 NO practice studio rented
27 practice

3 NO practice Anne and Devon both at Mary and Eddy in Dallas
10 NO practice. Laurie is in San Marcos. Please come
17 NO practice Studio rented.
24 Practice Yippee!

2 NO Devon and Theresa's workshop. Come to that instead.
9 NO training at the studio
16 practice
23 practice
30 practice

6 Practice, but tentative, Anne might be at George's workshop not sure of Devon's schedule.
13 practice
20 NO studio rented
27 NO no studio rented

4 NO Ramanand at AYI come to that instead.
11 Practice
18 NO studio rented and Anne and Devon in Dallas for Chris Saudek
25 NO studio rented

There is Practice this afternoon and next friday also

Hi All we are on this afternoon and next friday also. Yippee.

Here's what we will do today. It is based on the sequence that Swati Chanchani taught Friday night up in Dallas, the bolded poses are my additions most of which she taught at other times during the workshop.

Friday Night Swati,

Emphasis on releasing the groin throughout. Release the groin, press the wrist down, relax the throat. Yoga is skillful action. Don’t just keep on doing. Anything done skillfully is yoga.

AMS head supported on bolster
Prasarita padottansana
Trikonasana, only turn back leg as much as allows for softening of the groin bottom hand flat on floor and fingers turned back in all the SPs (2)
Parsvakonasana, hand to wall to facilitate turning. (2)
AC foot at the wall (2)
Parivritta trikonakasan
Prasarita paddottansana, take hands way back

Vira (actually vajrasana) in these seated poses look at the difference in groin
BK put feet up on folded blanket work on turning the feet.
Go forward see difference between palms on top of toes and taking hold of the toes.
Supta I-II and parivritta (be horizontal to the wall, support foot in both SPII and Parivritta)
Js not bringing the bent leg back ( unless you can do eka pada sirsasana)
Acarna danurasana (work with both hands on bringing the foot back to help push hip back.
Js twice again.
Eka Hasta Bhujasana
Parsva Chatush

M3 insistence on making the clasp to bring the top shoulder blades in.
Savasana with arms belted underneath to get pranayama chest.
Sit in jalandara bandha on bolster blankets under feet and hands to press writs

Friday, December 2, 2011

No practice this afternoon and inversion workshop postponed

Hi All,

No practice this afternoon. jeff and I are on our way upto Dallas for Swati. I cancelled tomorrow's inversion workshop. it is rescheduled for Jan 7th. It was supposed to be updated on peggy's webpage, but that may have fallen through the cracks.


We are on the 9th and the 16th and the 30th. More PW and some Swati.

I'll post the

Friday, November 25, 2011

Come practice this afternoon

see you at 4:30 today! The sequence is a couple posts back.

No practice next Friday, but we are on for Dec 9th, 16th, and 30th for sure

and will let you know about the 23rd.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Practice in San Marcos

Here's what's on the docket for Thanksgiving practice tomorrow at the San Marcos School of Yoga. We start at 10:30. If you have to leave early or come a bit late, don't let that stop you. Cost is $20.

Here’s the Thanksgiving Practice Schedule

10:30-10:40 greeting and invocation (Greeting Anne Invocation Sam)

10:40-10:50 SAM

Adho Mukha Virasana and Parsva Variations



Malasana -



10:50- 11:05 ANNE

Supta Padangusthasana 1-V -

Eka pada supta virasana-


UKtanasana 1

Garudasana 1

Gomukasana 1


11:05-11:20 ANNE

Adho Mukha Vrksasana- 5

Pinca Mayurasana- 5

Sirsasana and variations-5

11:20-11:35 SAM


Prasarita paddotanasana



Parivritta parsvakonasana

11:35- 11:50 ANNE

Marichyasana 1

Eka hasta bhujasana


11:50-12:05 SAM

Urdhva prasarita eka padasana

Eka pada koundinyasana 1


12:05-12:15 SAM

Maricyasana 3

Eka hasta koundinyasana 2

Dwi pada koundinyasana

12:15-12:35 ANNE

Dwi pada viparita dandasana on chair

Urdhva dhanurasana chair or otherwise

backbends of your choice

12:35-12:40 SAM



Parsva Uttanasana

12:40-12:55 ANNE

Sarvangasana and variations or Viparita karani

12:55- 100 SAM


Laurie Blakeney is Coming to San Marcos School of Yoga!

Laurie is coming to San Marcos. Yippee!!!

The dates are Feb 10-12, 2012.

The schedule: Friday evening, February 10th, 6:00-8:30pm
Saturday morning, 10:00am:-12:30pm Saturday afternoon, 3:00-5:30pm Sunday morning, Sunday morning 10:00am-12:30pm

Cost: Sign up for the entire workshop for $180 if you sign up before January 15.

Each individual session costs $50 $200 for the whole workshop after January 15.

For more information or to register: please email sanmarcosschoolofyoga@gmail. com or call Sam Rice at 512.534.5153 You will be able to pay online via pay pal at the san marcos site, but it isn't set up yet. Checks and cash are also acceptable modes of payment.

Please do spread the word about it.

Monday, November 21, 2011

There is Practice FRIDAY.

Hi All, We'll do a sequence from Devon's recent study with Patricia in Santa Fe. I decided backbends would be good, since I'm getting ready to go do my weekly twisting practice and we'll arm balance on thursday in san marcos... so unless Devon overrules it here's the sequence,

THis is from day two of the workhsop Thursday, November 10, 2010

Theme: opening the lungs by means of the heart chakra, hrdaya chakra.
Yoga Sutra III. 35: hrdaye cittasamvit

AMVira with partner placing hands on back ribs to sense breathing patterns.
Supta vira with 3 square-ish shaped
AMS to observe

Supta vira second time round with blankets turned transverse and a block under the head.
Observe the difference in the pattern and ease of breathing in each way of doing.

AMS hands and feet together to further open the lungs and prepare for sirsasana

Eka pada sirsasana
Parivrttaikapada sirsa legs apart only, not twisting


Ekapada AMS, related to ekapada and prvt ep sirsa

Vira I

Urdhva prasarita ekapadasana
[“an auxiliary Vira I”]

Vira I repeat

Vira II prep

Vira II full pose

AMVrksasana, 2 x

3x; block and belt if needed; balance if you can

Vajrasana full pose, with belt around ankles as needed to really extend ankle and spread the feet.
Urdhva namaskarasana in vajra
Paschima namaskara in vajra

Urdhva mukha svanasana on tall blocks (anantasana side)

block between knees; block betw thighs
hands turned out NOT like Sarvanga II (other way) to open chest fully like UMSvana

Drop-back work with block at top thighs, hands on buttocks

Once to see;
Twice more with thighs belted

Drop-over practice again, taking chest up first before going back.


Virasana twisting

Uttanasana wide feet


Thanksgiving Practice in San Marcos

Thanksgiving Day Yoga Group Practice

Thursday, November 24th, 10:30am-1pm with Anne Schultz and Sam Rice

Thanksgiving is a a time for gratitude, reflection, and community. Join us for a full spectrum mixed levels Group Practice on Thursday November 24th from 10:30am-1pm. This practice will have a focus on bringing gratitude and joy in your life and a physical practice aimed at firing up the digestive system before the big meal. Come ready to work and play! We'll do some bird poses in honor of the day.

Thursday, November 24th 10: 30am-1pm all levels
Cost: $20

Location: The San Marcos School of Yoga 400 Centre Street San Marcos, TX
www. sanmarcosschoolofyoga. com
For more information: please email or call Sam Rice at 512.534.5153

Monday, November 7, 2011

Various Upcoming Yoga Events

Hi All, I start teaching a six week all levels session down in San Marcos tonight at 6:30.

I'm subbing for Devon at 7:30 AM Wednesday and Friday this week

and in very exciting news, I start teaching a level 2-3 class at Castle Hill 9:30 AM tuesdays starting December 6th.

Sam Rice and I will be co leading a thanksgiving day practice down in San Marcos at 10:30 and then the Friday after thanksgiving, we are back on for friday practices.

Stay tuned.

Remember George Purvis is coming the 18-20. Be there or be square.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mostly backbends this time

I know I said we'd twist, but I'm planning a twisting practice for my morning home practice and I really like the work we did with the rope wall in this Brooke Myers class I took in NYC and want to take advantage of the rope wall. So here's a backbend sequence with a few twists added in.

Back Bend Sequence based on a Brooke Myer Level 3 class I took in NYC Saturday afternoon. Additions are my own marked by (A).

AMVira with support for hands and head.
AMS with blocks for hands.
Utt concave back turn arms back ala swati (A)
AMS with blocks again.
AMVrk various attempts kicking up one and both legs, trying to balance, pretend wall is closer than it is, come down if you hit the wall.
PM with belt, block and blanket roll.
Parsva sirsasana
Parsva sirsasana in virasana
Rope I static and moving (A)
Rope back bend, supported in middle rope with blanket for back, long rope on bottom rung, reach over to get strap and walk hands in. did for a while.
Back bend over a chair, back of chair toward wall, build up height as needed with blankets on back of chair, feet on base of chair, coil over and bring hands to the wall. Then lower hips and walk hands down more, then raise hips, then repeat several times.
Chair dwi pada (A)
Dwi pada on floor elbows near wall but don’t have to touch wall, bring elbow wide at first and slide it in. then used blocks for elbows to give more room to pump chest.
Push up and down between dwi pada and urdva D a few times.
Chair twists
M3 (A)
Ardha Matysendrasana (A)
Parsva Halasana
Eka pada sarvangasana
Parsva eka pada sarvangasana
Long savasana.

see you Friday.

Friday, October 21, 2011

No practice today

Hi Everyone,

I'm in NYC and Devon is busy moving to her new house, so no practice today. We'll practice next week. Twists again!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Twists again

Here's what we will do this week. This one courtesy of Karen's notes on a Patricia Class in May.

Swastikasana – place your hands on your armpits – lift, place your hands on your chest – lift, keep and take hands to namaskar
Adho Mukha Svanasana – hands at wall, move the top 3” of thigh back, again: feet at wall heels down as much as possible
Uttanasana – ft wide apart, concave, then hands back extend down
Supta Padangusthasana 1 – ft into wall, bend knee hold big toe, shin perpendicular, bring knee down as close to floor as possible then leg straight to sp1 use strap if needed, don’t press lumbar into floor but lengthen lower back towards buttocks the top of the sacrum should lift slightly
Supta Padangusthasana 3 – hold ankle of ft, same side arm goes under shin to hold leg with kindness, raise ft and rotate thigh away, this pose is prep for padmasana, other side
Baddha Konasana – sit on mat, hands behind to lift not to lean on, then hands around feet trying to lift ft but don’t
Parsvakonasana with ft high on wall – stand with side to wall, place ft on wall (around hip level or higher) toes face ceiling, other leg wide stance (not perpendicular to floor) but not so wide as to straighten the lifted leg, bend the lifted leg deeply, take arm inside lifted leg, hand inside ft on wall, we are working the area where the thigh and pubic bone meet, move the outer thigh into the hip then buttocks under, lot of instruction for the outer thigh into hip including using our other hand to move skin from knee to hip, bend knee more as parsvakonasana, the ribs rest on thigh, upper arm on inner knee, femur into hip socket and under, keep leg bent
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana with ft high on wall – stand facing wall, lift foot high on wall (seemed higher than last pose) still standing leg is not perpendicular but not quite as wide as previously I don’t think bend the knee, lift opp arm exhale twist and place armpit or elbow on knee, move the knees away from 1 another, close the space between the ribs and the thigh, don’t look down which collapses the torso, move ribs and eyes toward wall
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana with ft on chair seat – stand facing chair foot on chair seat, back leg wide stance foot toward wall, inner knee of back leg moves back, sharp exhale turn, armpit on knee, other hand on hip, armpit close space on knee, right shoulder back, heel down
Middle of room
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana with back leg knee down – bend front leg, back leg knee/shin/top of ft all on floor, raise opp arm, sharp exhale twist, eyes go toward wall at top of head, rib cage toward head like concave uttanasana
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana => Ardha Matsyendrasana => Parivrtta Parsvakonasana => Ardha Matsyendrasana –go to 1st stage of parivrtta parsvakonasana as above with knee/shin on floor, twist close space, take awareness to back ft, turn ft for ardha matsyendrasana then sit on ft keeping twisted (go ahead and place blanket on ft in p parsva and block behind ft if needed for ard matsy) come back to par parsva keeping twist, come back to ard matsyendrasana, she said geeta teaches this not for beginners and eventually this will become graceful
Marichyasana 3 – 3 actions: twist, lift, move in – arm into knee to twist
Baddha Konasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana – for sirsasana so to lengthen armpits, use blanket to support head this gives more armpit length
Sirsasana – lift upper arms/shoulders, now take more weight on head without letting arms/shoulders change
Halasana – stay for 2 min, lift, legs are doing adho mukha svanasana can you move top 3” of thigh
Sarvangasana – restore, come down, slide off blankets, head/back on floor, legs in baddha konasana on sarv blankets, grab legs and pull in toward pelvis

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Here's a sequence for Friday

Lois said that one practice a week should be devoted to twisting, so let's get on that this month.

Here's a PW twisting sequence from April at the Abbey. See you at 4:30 Friday. Can't wait.

Day Three Twists

Pre Supta Baddha konasana
AMvirasana with legs in regular virasana position
Urdhva Prasarita padasana thirty times.
Jathara Parivar anasana shifting the hips, did three or four sets worked on legs doing at angle toward hands, then keeping in line with hips, then all the way up to hands. Last set not shifting the hips worked with motion did fast several times.


Utt worked on engaging obliques in concave position and while we were pulling head toward shins but then release that work as we extended the head down.

Parsva utthita hasta padasana work on turning the abdomen away from turned leg and extending opposite arm just like in Jathara

Trikonasana Did twice

Parrivritta go into pose quickly from parsva.
Partner work strap on pelvis lift pelvis up and back a little to get out of the sinking feeling in the hips.

M3 foot at wall, no clasp work in whatever way you need to to get in. Lifted bent leg foot up to help bring it in closer. Then extended back arm away just like Jathara walk up the spine like we do in backbends and pranayama to create space.

M3 back arm to the wall. Hand a little above the shoulders. Start with palm up and then turn arm externally and turn fingers. Press elbow against knee to help with the turning.

Ardha Matsyendrasan prep (start sitting on foot then move foot out to gomukasana legs. Settles the outer hip.

Ardha Matsyendrasana back arm to wall, working the same way.

Pasasana (do first stage of malasana to prep) work to keep knees even and really descend the groin of the leg you are turning away from. Back hand to the wall.

Then moved back to middle of the room.

M3 working on clasp. First time clasp with the arm around the knee, second time clasp but do the behind the back arm first, then the front arm.

AMatsyendrasana clasping. Twice same thing, work arm around knee first time then work back arm around first and then front arm.

Ardha Padma padmottasana.

Ardha matsyendrasana II.

Prep for Marichyasana IV. One leg in padmasana the other in marichyasana but don’t cross the foot over the knee.

Bharadvajasana II if possible, If not BI. Feel twist in lower spine and move all the way up through the nadis try to feel the Chandra side of the nose, make eyes soft notice which eye is looking harder and then look with the other one.

Matsyasana flat on back legs supported if they don’t go down with flat spine.



Urdhva Padmasana in sarvangasana if possible. If not, Upa vishta (legs straight up) and BK.


Here's Anne's Public Yoga Schedule for this Fall

Yoga with Anne in Austin this Fall

Austin Yoga Festival.

Saturday October 8 12:30 Get upside down the right way.

Austin School of Yoga.

I am subbing Peggy’s Advanced class Saturday 8 AM on Oct 8 and Nov 5 $18 drop in rate.

I am teaching a Rope Wall Class Nov 5 3-5 cost $40.
I am teaching an Inversion class Dec 3 3-5 cost $40.

Castle Hill Fitness.

I am subbing Focus on Form at 9:30 on the Following Dates.

10-11, 10-13, 10-18, 10-25, 10-27, 10-31 (check this date to be sure) 11- 4

Clear Spring Studio.

I co-lead an advanced practice most Fridays at 4:30-6:30. Cost $10.
Dates for the practices are Oct 7, 14, 21, 28 Nov 4, Dec 2, 9, 16.
Check website (

I am teaching a restorative workshop Dec 17 3-5 cost 40.

San Marcos School of Yoga

Monday’s 5:30-6:45. Two more classes in this session. New six week session starts Nov 7. $60 for the whole series or $15.00 per class.

Sam Rice and I will co lead a thanksgiving practice from 10-2:30 cost $20.00

I am also available for Private lessons $70.00 in my home. $85.00 at other locations. Contact me via email at

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Here's Anne's Public Yoga Schedule for this Fall

Yoga with Anne in Austin this Fall

Austin Yoga Festival.

Saturday October 8 12:30 Get upside down the right way.

Austin School of Yoga.

I am subbing Peggy’s Advanced class Saturday 8 AM on Oct 8 and Nov 5 $18 drop in rate.

I am teaching a Rope Wall Class Nov 15 3-5 cost $40.
I am teaching an Inversion class Dec 3 3-5 cost $40.

Castle Hill Fitness.

I am subbing Focus on Form at 9:30 on the Following Dates.

10-11, 10-13, 10-18, 10-25, 10-27, 10-31 (check this date to be sure) 11- 4

Clear Spring Studio.

I co-lead an advanced practice most Fridays at 4:30-6:30. Cost $10.
Dates for the practices are Oct 7, 14, 21, 28 Nov 4, Dec 2, 9, 16.
Check website (

I am teaching a restorative workshop Dec 17 3-5 cost 40.

San Marcos School of Yoga

Monday’s 5:30-6:45. Two more classes in this session. New six week session starts Nov 7. $60 for the whole series or $15.00 per class.

Sam Rice and I will co lead a thanksgiving practice from 10-2:30 cost $20.00

I am also available for Private lessons $70.00 in my home. $85.00 at other locations. Contact me via email at

Friday, September 16, 2011

New classes around and about

Hi All,

There are a couple new classes wednesdays at Clear Spring and

I'm teaching a class on Mondays down in San Marcos at San Marcos School of Yoga. There are five weeks left in the first session. You are welcome to join in the fun.

Practice sequence for today

This one is based on my recollection of the backbend sequence we did in Dallas with Swati last weekend.

AMS with palms holding mat


PM with roll under elbows
Sirsasana I
Eka pada
Parsva eka pada
Salabasana with strap
One leg at a time salabasana
Ustrasana (with bolster, flat palms).

(I would like to add in Parsva)

Alternate with

Static rope one. Work with feet away from wall and back to feel different.

Then pulling up on ropes.

Then back on floor doing the bolded poses about and adding in bhujangasana and UMS. (I would be happy to add in bhekasana work here also I think there was a supta virasana in here somewhere)

Chair dwi pada on trifold blanket with feet elevated
First time on shoulder blades, hands pressing on sides of chair
Second time down lower on back, hands underneath chair.

Very long holds.

Urdhva D
Feet up on two blocks or bench and body on bolster.
Helfp each other up, walk in. did many times.

Long setu banda with brick under sacrum and feet wide on boslter at wall.

BK folded forward on bolster supported by chair,

JS turning to get sides of torso level, bolster support as need,

UVK then Parivritta prep with elbow inside knee


M3 don’t bring knee way across body. Wrapping is important to fix the neck.


Halasana feet on chair

Eka Pada
Supt Konasana
Parsva Halasana

I think we folded forward in Sukasana and rested head on chair, elbows higher than shoulder.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

There is Practice FRIDAY.

If you are not going to ACL, come to practice with us. We are doing a backbend sequence that Swati taught in Dallas last weekend. It is great stuff. I'll post the sequence Friday morning. Devon and I are collaborating on it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

No practice Friday 9-2 and 9-9

Hi All, No practice this weekend because of an event at the student and no practice the following week. Jeff and I decided to journey upto Dallas for the Swati Chanchani workshop. Devon is going as well

We'll be back on for the 16th, either sharing what we learned from Swati or continuing on with the PW blue lake ranch sequences.

Stay tuned.

Also, . I'm teaching a free day of yoga event at San Marcos School of Yoga at 5:30 PM on labor day. Sam Rice is teaching right after that so drive down and take a couple classes for free.

check out for all the details

there are also free events at Clear Spring and Austin School of Yoga. Quite the day of yoga.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More from Blue Lake Ranch

Here's a version of the day three sequence from the PW workshop this summer at Blue Lake Ranch. Remember no practice next week (Sept 2). but we are back on the next.

Sukasana Invocation.
AMVira relaxed,
AMS long
Utt shift weight toward hands and come up on toes.
AMS hands at wall
AMVrk at wall, then balancing in room with partner if possible, create maximum length
PM at wall and then balancing if possible extend strongly through feet.
Parsva Utt working more with length than turning
Parsva Sirsasana
Supt I with heel raised on block and work with block behind leg, did pavanmuktasana, and bent leg version first.
Tadasana long time. leaf of the foot, observing balance on each side.
Utthasta Padasana working on observing what changes occur to weight in feet
Trikonasana many times for practice show belt on back foot pull up on belt. Bottom hand thumb turns to get the abdomen to turn.
Prasarita Padottanasana to rest brain.
UP many times. Go down keeping back leg strong and descend from groin and abdomen, knee forward but move shin back (putting break on action of the knee). Partner, behind and pressing down on top arm to facilitate turning… extend from top of hip up to fingers and down to leg. Make sure legs are supporting you the whole time.
Prasarita Padottanasana
Supta II bottom leg away from mid line, roll to opposite leg (with blanket roll under buttock then roll back working on turning from the pelvis.
AC take same Supta II actions into AC, hand down first,
Prasarita padottanasana
Parsva Utthita Padangushtansa
Vrk close eyes.
Salamba sarvangasana brief Halasana before and after.
Slide off to head side savasana.

Major points in all these poses was the difference between muscle and skin. Muscle is motor neurons and skin is sensory neurons. The skin has to rest on the muscles the muscles should not protrude up to the sensory level. This is basically muscular energy.

Worked with same lines of the feet working on evenness of inside and outside of the foot and make these adjustments via perineum evenness, increases equanimity of mind. Have to take a class in such a way that it benefits you, not all instructions are for everyone. At least at the non-beginner level. With beginners, your primary job is to teach them how to learn.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Backward bends this week.

Here's what's on the docket for friday. Based on Day Two with PW at blue lake ranch

Sukasana invocation, empty the brain and feel fullness in the heart.
AMVira just resting,
AMVira active,
AMS very long hold,
Concave uttanasana,
AMS lift heels up to get height. Working with lifting the toes up and lifting the heels up and bending the knees to take torso back, lift head to move bottom of sternum forward.
Samasthiti, working with four lines of the feet, between big toe and second toe to the heel and between fourth and fifth two to heel then across the top of the arch and the top of the heel (bottom of arch) this awareness helps bring evenness to feet and awareness to levelness of perineum.
Keep that in UH.
Take the foot action into AMS.
Parsvotasana hands on hips and then stop half way then concave really work on bringing back hip around and stay half way to make sure pelvis is level. Then extend all the way down and sleep on the thigh.
Samasthiti again. Here we looked at the relationship between thighs back and thighs forward and the levelness of the perineum, instruct from the perieneum and brings awareness inward. Ie take back of perineum down.
toe scrunching, vajrasana but actually come as much on the tip toes of toes. Much more brutal this way.
Keep heels together, vajarsana, use strap if ankles are not together.
Then see what that foot work gives virasana.
Then parsvotasana full pose. But did paschima baddhangulisasana first to set the shoulder blades correctly. Be sure not to turn the legs at the same time because it shortens the stance, fully turn front leg, then turn the back leg and the eye on that side as well. ROAR reflection, observation, (or perceptive if you can’t actually see) absorption, repose

Sirsasana sirsasana prep. Do what you need to do to take thorasic in. With head lifed to work on opening the shoulders. Same four lines of foot work, stacking of the rib cage. Level perieneum here as well. Posterior ab toward interior spine.

Samkatasana, come up onto toes in UH and then down to samktasana.. then folded forward. Basically foot action of AMS to UMS. Did two or three times.
Uttansana coming to the very tips of the toes.

UMS Several times toes turned under working on keeping feet even and turning the back of the thighs out. and coming over toes. Levelize ankles. The legs should be super strong, then come forward onto tops of the feet and open the chest more and take head back.

Chair Dwi Pada working to get more verticality than coiling, press hands against back of chair. Press to lengthen. Put height on chair as needed to get enough height.
Chair dwi pada working on coiling, hands on back of chair, then underneath on sides, then palms up grabbing back of chair, pull to coil.. then fold elbows about head and work with motion to create more opening.
Chair dwi pada bringing hands first to the floor in Urdhva dhanurasana position, then headstand position.
Urdhva dhanurasana pushing up from chair, you come up more through the arms here, she showed that beginners usually push away from the wall.
Chair dwi pada reaching legs of the chair, showed both doing it with strap on front legs and with strap on back legs. We were supposed to try both but only did first one.
Urdhva dhanursana pushing up from chair (with hands on back of chair or seat of chair. A few times.
Urdhva dhanurasana pushing up from floor a few times..
Prasarita padottanasana, turn thighs out, head supported,
AMS head supported.
Savasana with knees bent observe state of self, heart should feel light and open. mini sam muki mudhra (did this first day too.)
Savasana legs on chair if you benefit from that otherwise flat.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some forward bends this friday

Hi All, I thought we'd work through some of the sequences from my last study time with Patricia Walden this summer. Here's a nice one from day one. It is supposed to help adjust to altitude, I figure it will help adjust to heat also. It is a very lovely sequence.

See you there.

Sukasana lift from center of armpits

AMVira working on creating length
AMS legs and feet wide
AMS normal width, move feet in until heels almost touch then press metatarsals down to move heels back and down.

Concave Uttansana then head down lengthen spine.

AMS heels in support head notice effect of head support.
AMS without head support and then with again.

Paryankasana vertical bolster one or two trifolded blankets depending on height and openness, vertical flat block. Belt thighs
Then removed block and did supta virasana switched cross of arms.

Chair dwi pada sitting on vertical bolster and trifold blanket point is to make the chair be like a backward bender. Stretch arms back, hands should not touch the floor. Belt thighs stretch heels very actively toward the floor.

Chair Bharadvajasana, reach arm around to back of the chair first and then second time reach arm all the way around to grab the side of the chair.
Prasarita padottansana twice,
Classic uttanasana


AMS classic.

Sirsasana make sure skin of small finger is moving forward, be on the the center of the wrists lengthen little finger side. Extend thumbs toward each other, make sure that hands are open enough to accommodate head, lift inner arms and legs to come up, take middle buttock in and to the inner heel, keeping that firm rotate thighs in and bring big toes together. make the rib cage be as vertical/ square box as possible.

Supta Padangustasana I top leg vertical though do bent leg position first and level hips and roll bottom leg in.


Long Janusirsasana series. Around the world JS.

First time just bring bent leg into 90 degrees don’t move hip back at all, first extend up, lift arms keep that height as you extend down over bent leg knee, can let Dandasana leg roll along with you. Work to get evenness in torso and length

Then extend forward between two legs this one is the real teacher for JS in terms of the ability to get evenness and length in both sides of the torso. Then extend torso in the inside of leg then over the leg.

Second round, bent leg in traditional JS position if you can keep the knee down in first position take it back, but not as far back as Parivritta. Same turn to bent leg, then between then inside, but this time rotate over extended leg as much as possible, then full pose.




Then full janu sirsasana same bent leg and see what M3 gave JS.

We did M3, JS, M3 JS..

Then do best JS and stay

Triangha muka paschimottansana

Supta Padangustasana I bringing leg in this time.
Dandasana, Parsva Dandasana

Parsva Paschimottansana

Paschimottasana legs a little bit apart.

Bharadvajasana I
Paschimottansana feet together.
Hanging uttanasana with eyes closed
*Sarvangasana and cycle

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Here's the sequence for Friday

This one is from Devon. It is actually a Guruji sequence, not a Geetaji sequence. She'll be leading us this week.

Hasta pada
Parsva hasta pada
Vira II
Ams – uttana
Ams again
Vira I
Ams – uttana
Ams to A. Chandra side 1
Ams to A. Chandra side 2
Ams – uttana
Vira III stand on L leg
Vira III stand on R leg
Ams to parsvottana
Ams – uttana
Classical Parivrtta trikonasana
Prasarita padottasana
Supta virasana
Karna pidasana
Bent legs savasana
Prone savasana
Amvirasana to sitting upright.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Upcoming Iyengar Beginner Series at San Marcos School of Yoga

Hi Everyone,

Please spread the word that Anne will be offering a six week beginner series down in San Marcos at the San Marcos School of Yoga.

Beginning Iyengar Yoga with Anne Schultz
Monday Nights 5:30-6:45
September 12- October 17
6-session course
Beginning level

This course is designed to introduce students to the practices and principles of yoga in a safe and effective way. This class is perfect for new or stiffer students who want to learn the basics, develop and strong foundation and who want to not only work their body but focus their minds as well. Expect step-by-step instructions, introduction to props, repetition and refinement.

Sign up online at San Marcos School of Yoga

Good News. There is practice all of August

So what to do in the dog days of summer? Friday afternoon's Advanced practice is back !!!.

We are on every friday in August.

Sept 9, and 16.

and it looks like most of October as well.

Devon will be providing a geeta sequence for Friday and I've got plenty of sequences from Blue Lake Ranch to work through.

See you friday.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Let's Backbend

We are on this afternoon.

Here's a backbend sequence from Patricia's Intermediate workshop at the Abbey Feb 2011.

Day Four More Backbends with PW

Utt concave back.

Jumping from Utt to AMS several times.

Parvatasana in Virasana
Pariankasana with block and blanket on bolster spine wise and belt legs and arms behind occiput, low height and then again with medium height.

AMS to Utt

Used same belt for AMS. Amazing opening.

Eka papd supt virasana, first with leg in Marichyasana I then again into Pavanmuktasana and Supta I third time.

AMS step to

Parsvottansana long stance arms extended head down.
AMS then second side.

Tadasana and bring hands to back of thighs and go to utt.

AMVrk for sirsana prep

Parsvaikapada spilt legs and then full pose.

Urdhva D over back of chair facing away from the wall using height as necessary did several times.

Standing back arches in center away from the wall, just one or two.

Stood in front of chair and arched back to wall and walked down as able then come up. Showed belting pelvis and moved pelvis away from the belt to get more opening on a stiff T spine person. Also for some it will be better to bend the knees and take the groin more back to get the T spine opening.

Pushing up to Urdhva D from sitting in front of chair, hands in various positions. Corner, sides , front of chair.

Use the arms to lift the chest up. Thighs come forward but lift with the inner groin. .

Urdhva D from Floor many

First to foot side.
Ams to teach weight in legs.
Then UD to foot side again.

Dwi pada prep arms in sirsasana iI

Dwidpada with sirsasana I arms.

Block behind head.

Kapotasana drop backs to bolster on chair, then chair, then walking down to wall with full pose.

Dropback prep to floor Geeta and BKS teach differently.

Prasarita padottansana head down.


Supta Padangustasana II with support under hip of leg going out, diagonal blanket on buttucks.

AMVira experiment with legs together and apart to see which gives best relief.

Prone savasana with blanket under navel band

Savasana legs up on chair if necessary.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

There is practice Friday Yippee!!!!

Hi All, I'm back from Turkey and Greece and ready to practice on Friday afternoon !

Here's a sequence from Chris Saudek when she subbed for Patricia at the Abbey this Feb. the asterik poses are my additions.

Day One Chris Saudek

Parsva Adho Mukha
Walking out from utt
AMS repeated the walking out action
Supta Tadasana
Supta Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva Prasarita padasana 90 degrees anterior and posterior sides of abdomen mirror each other.
First with arms down then up.
Supta I, started in pavanmuktasana
Supta II move leg to outer leg to edge of mat

Repeat SPI and II

SP III (keep bottom leg down, top leg at open 90 degree ankle and move leg toward chest and IV move from III to IV directly just straighten out the leg keeps from crashing the groin… moving into pose from action… (Did both these Twice)

Urdhva hastasana
Urdhva Badanguliasana Outer shoulder toward inner shoulder

Parivritta Trikonasana

Baddha Hasta uttanasana

Upavistha Konsana
Marichyasana I with leg in Upavistha Konasana

M I turning and clasping.

Janu sirsasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana Sticky Mat Keep the buttock bone down.
Baddha Hastasana
Ardha Baddha pada paschimottansana or Janu sirsasana
(And M2)
And Ardha Matsyendrasana II)



*Sarvangansana and maybe some of the Parsva variations.

*Supta Baddha Konsana


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blog Roll

Hi Everyone,

Notice that I created a blog roll on the side bar. Many Austin Iyengar Yogini and Yogis are in the blog o sphere.

If you would like to be added to the list,

let me know.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Twisting Sequence from the Abbey

Hi All,

Here's the plan for Friday. I'm also using this sequence tonight at group practice at castle hill. Again this is our last practice until July 8. Hope to see you there.

Day Three Twists

Pre Supta Baddha konasana
AMvirasana with legs in regular virasana position
Urdhva Prasarita padasana thirty times.
Jathara Parivar anasana shifting the hips, did three or four sets worked on legs doing at angle toward hands, then keeping in line with hips, then all the way up to hands. Last set not shifting the hips worked with motion did fast several times.


Utt worked on engaging obliques in concave position and while we were pulling head toward shins but then release that work as we extended the head down.

Parsva utthita hasta padasana work on turning the abdomen away from turned leg and extending opposite arm just like in Jathara

Trikonasana Did twice

Parrivritta go into pose quickly from parsva.
Partner work strap on pelvis lift pelvis up and back a little to get out of the sinking feeling in the hips.

M3 foot at wall, no clasp work in whatever way you need to to get in. Lifted bent leg foot up to help bring it in closer. Then extended back arm away just like Jathara walk up the spine like we do in backbends and pranayama to create space.

M3 back arm to the wall. Hand a little above the shoulders. Start with palm up and then turn arm externally and turn fingers. Press elbow against knee to help with the turning.

Ardha Matsyendrasan prep (start sitting on foot then move foot out to gomukasana legs. Settles the outer hip.

Ardha Matsyendrasana back arm to wall, working the same way.

Pasasana (do first stage of malasana to prep) work to keep knees even and really descend the groin of the leg you are turning away from. Back hand to the wall.

Then moved back to middle of the room.

M3 working on clasp. First time clasp with the arm around the knee, second time clasp but do the behind the back arm first, then the front arm.

AMatsyendrasana clasping. Twice same thing, work arm around knee first time then work back arm around first and then front arm.

Ardha Padma padmottasana.

Ardha matsyendrasana II.

Prep for Marichyasana IV. One leg in padmasana the other in marichyasana but don’t cross the foot over the knee.

Bharadvajasana II if possible, If not BI. Feel twist in lower spine and move all the way up through the nadis try to feel the Chandra side of the nose, make eyes soft notice which eye is looking harder and then look with the other one.

Matsyasana flat on back legs supported if they don’t go down with flat spine.



Urdhva Padmasana in sarvangasana if possible. If not, Upa vishta (legs straight up) and BK.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Some Information about Summer Yoga in Austin

Hi All,

Austin yogis and yogini's are on the road a lot this summer. But worry not. Classes will be covered.

For example, Stacey is teaching my AYS noon class while I am in Greece and Turkey
Yves is teaching Peggy's classes at AYS while she is in Pune.
Stacey and Paul are covering for Devon while she is in Ecuador.

Please note that I have updated a lot of information on the side bar.

"Practice. All is coming."

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ropes Workshop Saturday May 21, CSS 3-5

Hi All, I'll be having another ropes workshop a week from Saturday. We'll look at how the ropes improve backbends and inversion. Cost is $30.00 for the two hour class.

Summer Schedule

Hi Everyone,

Next Friday the 20th will be our last practice for awhile.

Devon and I will both be traveling the month of June. I am going to Greece and Turkey. Devon is going to Ecuador.

Practice will resume July 8 (i'll be back but still jetlagged) and 15.

And then again go on a two week break while I am in Durango studying with PW.

and then We will start back the first of August Friday August 5th.

Keep practicing and thanks for all your support.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

There is practice Friday and the next two weeks also!!!

Hi All,

We are on for practice this week. Randy is even coming down from Dallas.

here's a backbend sequence from the April Patricia walden retreat at the Abbey.

AMS head supported long hold
Supta virasana thighs belted taking as little support as possible, move pevic bones toward each other and down to floor.
Full bhekasana
AMS on blocks
UMS on blocks,
Regular UMS
Supta virasana block on tailbone
Ardha supta virasana, bringing top leg into chest as much as possible.
Sirsasana prep from AMS take hold of ankles and lift up
Sirsana holding the block behind head.
Full parsvaikapada twice on each side.
Virasana in sirsasana with back bend prepping for dropping over.
AMVrk coming up and down with two legs balancing by bringing the tailbone in and being strong through the inner ankles.
Scorpion in AMVrk at wall.
PM balancing.
Chair urdhva D over back of chair with whatever height is needed… She noted the point of this
Urdhva D from floor working on getting maximum lift in the inner arms like AMVrk.

Standing back arch or drop backs several
Dropping over to dwi pada feet on chair several . we alternated this with
Arching back kapotasana prep with pelvis on chair and then back to dropping over on the chair.

Urdhva D in middle of the room three times verticality in the chest and then shift weight to legs to come up, walk in, lift pelvis inner, draw abdomen in to get more opening in the chest.

Kapotasana prep dropping back to floor three times, put bolster behind legs if thighs are dropping. Be strong in the upper legs.

Urdhva Dhanurasana to Dwi Pada first stage with bent legs. Several times.

Full Dwi Pada, strap on ankles wiggle feet out keeping verticality in chest and height in pelvis. Try to increase height of both by pulling on the belt.

Chakrabandasana make a double looped belt around ankles use it to pull hands closer to ankles (Come to dwi pada, walk feet in, lift head up, open palms walk hands and feet toward each other.

Kapotasana dropping over and reaching hands to feet before landing as much as possible.

Tadasana- meditative
Prasarita paddottasana
Parsvo tanasana
Ardha halasana
Chair karnapidasana

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sequence for today

adho mukha virasana
parsva adho mukha virasana
adho mukha svanasana
adho mukha vrksasana
pincha mayurasana
variations as possible:
parsva virasana
parsva sirsasana
parivrtta ekapada sirsasana
trikonasana 2x
parsvakonasana 2x
virabhadrasana I 2x
parsvottanasana 2x
parivrtta trikonasana 2x
parivrtta parsvakonasana 2x
parivrtta ardha chandrasana 2x
marichyasana I
marichyasana III, repeating to go deeper
adho mukha svanasana
eka pada sarvangasana
virasana in sarvangasana
urdhva padmasana
parsva urdhva padmasana
parsva pindasana
parsva halasana

I'll make a copy of this for this afternoon and hope to see you there, if no one else.....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

There is practice Friday Yippee!!!!

devon will be leading us in some twists courtesy of Mary Obendorfer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Come to the Mary Obendorfer Workshop It is going to be great

Iyengar Yoga Workshop and Teacher Training
with Mary Obendorfer
Clear Spring Studio
April 15-17, 2011

Austin Yoga Institute and Clear Spring Studio are delighted to welcome Mary to another return engagement in Austin. With her husband Ed Marks, she directs the BKS Iyengar Yoga Centers of San Diego. From 2003-2004 and again in 2009, the pair spent extended intervals of time in Pune, India studying with the Iyengars. Mary is a Senior-level Iyengar teacher certified by Mr. Iyengar, and is also an assessor for our National Board. Come experience her clear and compassionate teaching, and wonderful, innovative teacher training. Clear Spring and Austin Yoga welcome Mary once again.

Classes for All Levels: (All Levels classes are for students with 6 months’ experience in Iyengar Yoga classes.)
Fri. April 15 6pm-8pm $40 All levels
Sat. April 16 9am-11:30am $50 All levels
2:00pm-4:30pm $50 All levels
Sun. April 17 8am-9am $25 Pranayama (Taken with asana workshop.)
9:30am–noon $50 All levels
Teachers Class: This class is for all teachers and aspiring teachers.
Sun. April 17 1:30pm-4:30pm $65 You must attend most of the workshop to come to this session.)


* Individual class prices listed next to each section above.
* Entire workshop: $260.
* Everything except the teachers class: $200.

Location: Clear Spring Studio, 605 A Copeland St, opposite the School for the Deaf; entrances off Copeland St and also at 1106 South First St. Please carpool if possible, and only park in the interior of the block. Overflow parking behind Stitch Lab a half block north on South First St.

For more information or to register, see the flyer or contact Devon.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

There is practice Friday Yippee!!!!

Devon and Yves want to do forward bends and twists.

This is the first day sequence that Chris Saudek Taught at the Abbey back in March with a few additions of mine.

Parsva Adho Mukha
Walking out from utt
AMS repeated the walking out action
Supta Tadasana
Supta Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva Prasarita padasana 90 degrees anterior and posterior sides of abdomen mirror each other.
First with arms down then up.
Supta I, started in pavanmuktasana
Supta II move leg to outer leg to edge of mat

Repeat SPI and II

SP III (keep bottom leg down, top leg at open 90 degree ankle and move leg toward chest and IV move from III to IV directly just straighten out the leg keeps from crashing the groin… moving into pose from action… (Did both these Twice)

Urdhva hastasana
Urdhva Badanguliasana Outer shoulder toward inner shoulder

Parivritta Trikonasana

Baddha Hasta uttanasana

*Eka Pada variations

Upavistha Konsana
Marichyasana I with leg in Upavistha Konasana

M I turning and clasping.

Janu sirsasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana Sticky Mat Keep the buttock bone down.
Baddha Hastasana
Ardha Baddha pada paschimottansana or Janu sirsasana
(And M2)
And Ardha Matsyendrasana II)

*Sarvangansana and maybe some of the Parsva variations.

*Supta Baddha Konsana


Monday, March 14, 2011

No practice Friday Afterall

Hi All,

When I said I would lead a short inversion practice, I thought the Devon and Theresa workshop was at Austin Yoga, it is not. It is at Clear Spring, which means we really can't practice at Clear Spring.

So come to the workshop, it is going to be great.

See everyone the first friday in April.


Friday, March 11, 2011

No practice Today and Other INfo for March

Hi Everyone,

THere's no practice today due to an event at the clear spring space.

Please do come to my class tomorrow at noon at AYS as I will be making an assessment tape and would love to have a few more good students there.

Also, I'm offering a free class at 6:30 this Sunday at Clear Spring again. I'll be taping it for assessment.

Next week, is the Devon Dederich and Theresa Rowland Workshop. I'll have a brief inversion practice from 4:30 to 5:30 to give people including myself time to get over to AYS by 6:00

No practice the 25th as Devon and I will both be out at the Ranch Studying with Gabriella.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Devon leading Practice this week

Hi All, Devon will be leading practice this week. I'm heading out to study with Patricia Walden for the week. Can't wait.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Friday Practice

Hi Everyone, I need to make a teaching video to send to Mary Obendorfer out in San Diego as part of my assessment process. So this week the format will be slightly different, We’ll practice the 45 minutes or so and I will teach the second hour.

See you Friday, next practice will be the 25th of Feb.

Tadasana and shoulder work
Parivritta Trikonasana
Utthita Parsvakonasana
Parivritta Parsvakonasaka


Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Anne will teach second hour. Starting with

Utthita Parsva Hasta Padangusthasana

Chair Dwi Pada


Dropping to
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana 1

Maha Mudra


Friday, February 4, 2011

Sequence for this afternoon at 4:30

Adho mukha Virasana
Parsva Adho mukha Virasana
Adho Mukha Virasana

Uttanasana Feet width of mat
Concave and head down.

AMS, 2x



Uttanasana - head down

Prasarita padottanasana
(a) Concave back
(b) Head down

Tadasana, feet together
Utthita Trikonasana
Parivritta Trik

U. Parsvokonasana,
Parivritta Parsvokonasana

Prasarita padottanasana Head down

Urdhva prasarita ekapadasana Intermed version, both hands to floor
Utthita Bekasana 2
Ardha baddha padmottanasana, x3
Uttanasana Interlock fingers behind back, arms overhead as fold

Urdhva prasarita ekapadasana Classic pose, opposite hand to inner ankle standing leg
Ardha baddha padmottanasana Create bind:
hands to wall

Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana II

Baddha konasan

Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana

Parsva Padmasana
Parvatasana in Padmasana

Sirsasana & variations twisting ones .

Urdhva Padmasana
Parsvasarvangasana in Padmasana

(show parsvasarvaganasa prep




I think the snow will melt in time for practice today

but recheck the website around 3:30 to be sure.

We'll do a Patricia Waldden forward bend sequence from Feathered Pipe Ranch 2010.

Will post in a bit.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Some updates to the practice schedule for the year.

February 4 Forward bends at 4:30 at CSS
February 11 Backbends at 4:30 at CSS

February 18 No Practice Anne and Devon in Dallas for workshop with Edwin Bryant.
February 25 Practice at Clear Spring.

march 4 Devon will lead practice at Clear Spring.
march 11 TBA
March 18. Anne will lead a short inversion practice 4:30-5:30 so people can attend workshop with Devon and Theresa Rowland at AYS.

March 25 No practice Anne and Devon at workshop with Gabriella.

April 1 Practice at Clear Spring
April 8 TBA...
April 15 No practice mary obendorfer workshop at CSSS
April 22 Devon will lead practice at CSS
April 29 No practice, Anne and Devon at workshop with Patricia.

May 6th February 11 Practice at Anne's house email her at for directions

February 18 No Practice Anne and Devon in Dallas for workshop.
February 25 Practice at Clear Spring.

march 4 Devon will lead practice at Clear Spring.
march 11 Possible practice at Anne's will let you know.
March 18. Anne will lead a short inversion practice 4:30-5:30 so people can attend workshop at AYS.

March 25 No practice Anne and Devon at workshop.

April 1 Practice at Clear Spring
April 8 Practice at Clear SPring
April 15 No practice mary obendorfer workshop at CSSS
April 22 Devon will lead practice at CSS
April 29 No practice, Anne and Devon at workshop

May 6th No practice Anne and Devon at Workshop with Patricia.
May 13 Practice at Clear Spring
May 20 Practice at Clear Spring.
May 27 Practice at Clear Spring

Friday, January 28, 2011

Backbend this afternoon at 4:30 and twist tomorrow at 2 with Gillian

Hi All, we'll do the 11 backbends for 2011 again as we got side tracked with kapotasana. Sorry for the previous confusion about the time. we start as usual at 4:30. I will be there a little early hanging on the ropes in case people were confused about time.

Remember also Gillian's twisting class tomorrow at the castle.

Twisting Workshop with Gillian Jan 29 2-4
Hi All, Gillian's back teaching.

Put this one on your calendar's.

You are invited to twist with me January 29th, 2-4pm at Castle Hill Fitness.

The workshop will focus on the importance of keeping your spine flexible so that we can feel young inside and out.

sign-up at

Hope to see you there! Please pass along to anyone you think may be interested.

Gillian Barksdale

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Come Learn the Ropes with Anne: Sunday Feb 6th 3-5 CSS

Ever wondered exactly how to use the rope wall or wondered about all the things you can do with the rope wall. This is the class for you! We will cover basic rope work for shoulder and chest opening, inversions,standing poses and backbends.

I will have another workshop, on saturday May 21st 3-5 that will focus on using the rope wall, for inversions, forward bends and twists. More info on that alter

The cost for each workshop is $30. Please contact Anne at or at 468 2808 to register.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

There is Practice this Friday Yippee!!

Hi all, we will have an abbreviated practice this friday at 4:30, something restorative we will end around 5:40 so people can make it to AYI for the workshop.

Next week we'll pick up the 11 backbends sequence again.

Looking forward to it,


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Eleven Backbends for 2011

Hi All, See you Friday at 4:30.


Paryankasana on block (1)

Adho Mukha svanasana

Urdhva Hastasana

Vira I

Gomukasana full pose

Adho Mukha svanasana

Adho mukha vrksasana

Pincha mayurasana

Salamba sirsasana

Legs in Virsasana, parsva virasana,

Ustrasana (2)

Chair Dwi Pada (3)

Chair Urdhva Dhanurasana (4)

Urdhva Dhanurasana (5)

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (6)

Kapotasana (7)

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Prep with Chair (8)

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana full pose (9)

and 2-4 as desired (10)

Natarajasana (11)

Adho Muka Svanasana Feet at Wall

Parsva Uttansasana

Chair Bharadvajasana

Ardha Halasana

