Monday, December 22, 2014

Advanced Practice on Hiatus until Jan 9

FYI.  There's no  Advanced Practice  for the next two weeks.

We'll be  back on  Jan  9  with Anne leading   15 Backbends for  2015. 

Here are the new Saturday Class offerings at Clear Spring

  Here  are the   new  Saturday Class offerings at Clear Spring.   It's very exciting to have more  Iyengar Yoga on the Weekends!

Saturdays  9:15-10:15  Pranayama  Cost  $15   (or  $10 if you also take the asana class afterwards).

In this class, we will learn the basics of  supine and seated  pranayama. We will also work to deepen and refine our pranayama practice.  We will also explore digital pranayama as the level of the class advances.  All levels welcome.   Anne or  Devon will teach the class. 

This class will occur every Saturday except when there's a  senior teacher workshop in town.

Saturdays 10:30-12:30   Special Topics in  Asana  

Saturday Asana  class  will take 1 of  3   forms.

 1  Exploring the  Intermediate Syllabus.

Anne or  Devon will  teach.  Each class is  aimed at looking at a pose on the  Junior 2 or 3  syllabus  and  exploring the poses on the previous syllabi that develop our capacity to do  this pose.   This  class is ideal for  people who want  a deeper exploration of poses and how the poses relate to each other than we often have time to explore in a regular ongoing class.  The class will be especially useful for people going through the  Iyengar Assessment process, but it is open to teachers and students from all  traditions.

Cost  $20.00

2.   The  Anatomy of Asana

Devon or Peggy Kelley will teach this class which focuses on how  our anatomical understanding informs  asana practice.  It is held on the weekends of Austin Yoga Teacher Training but the class is also open to the public. You do not have to be a teacher or in teacher training to  attend.  Those with challenges in the areas we will cover in classes can expect some particular attention and support.

Cost  $20.00

3.   Asana and Philosophy

Anne or  Devon will teach.  We will  spend the first part of class discussing a small section of the Sutras or the Gita.  The asana class will explore how these philosophical concepts inform our  practice. We will post the readings in advance, but  prior reading  is not  necessary.  This class is mostly asana  oriented with a philosophical focus.  

Cost  $20.00 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Anne's Post Thanksgiving Twist sequence with arm balances added in

So here's the plan for advanced practice  Friday.

I  did a twist practice the monday after Thanksgiving that I really liked.  I also wanted to work on arm balances, so this is  the twist class plus  arm balances.  

Fun times  on Friday  at  Clear  Spring.

Sukasana  AM  Parsva 
Upright  twist
Rope work
Arm/shoulder work
Dandasana  Parsva  Dandasana work
Pasasana prep to  M3
Eka Hasta and prep
Dwi Hasta
Twisting  vajrasana with different  hand positions,   UB, UH, Back hand on block, both hands down.
B1  work  same way with arms  then  with classic arms
B1.5 (one leg in BK)
B2  look at entry from  leg in virasana then padmasana  and  then  padmasana leg
Ardha Matsyendrasana to Parivritta Parsva  back and forth.
Utthita Hasta Pad, Parsva
Parsvottansana, parsva parsvottanasana, parivritta  trik
Supta Pad cycle
Parsva supta  pad
Anantasana  show brick 
AMVrk  and pencil skirt work
Eka Pada
Sirsasana 2
Parsva Bakasana
Eka Pada Bakasana
Sarvangansana  Eka Pada  Parsva
Halasana Parsva  Halasana
Ardha jathatara parivartasana

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lessons from Pune: This Saturday !!!

Clear Spring Studio presents
Lessons From Pune:
A  Workshop with  Anne-Marie Schultz
December 13, 2014
In honor of the celebration of BKS’ Birthday and the continuing legacy of his life, Anne is  offering a one day workshop  based on her recent two month study in Pune.

Morning  Session  9:30-12:00 
Topic:  Standing Poses, Backbends, and Inversions.
Cost: $35.00
Afternoon Session   2:00-4:00
Topic More Inversions, Forward Bends, and Twists.
Cost: $25.00
Whole workshop discount $50.00.
Contact Anne at register.
10% of the proceeds will be donated to the Bellur fund.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Devon's leading advanced Practice this week.

An Intermediate Sequence, based on last week’s Intermediate sequence based on Joan White’s workshop (i.e., revisiting backbends)

Adho mukha virasana with belt around toes/hips
Adho mukha svanasana
Urdhva mukha svanasana
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana
Tadasana-U. Hastasana for a rest
Adho Mukha Vrksasana and variations
Pincha Mayurasana and variations
Sirsasana II
Work in Sirsa II preparing for dropovers
Supta Virasana (belts to keep thighs parallel)
Supta Virasana pelvis on bricks
Eka Pada Supta Virasana/ E P Supta Padangustha I on brick
Pushing up toward Kapotasana from brick with arms in U.Dhanurasana
Paryankasana coming from Kapotasana lift or from classical Virasana start
Leg prep for Dhanurasana up wall
Parsva Dhanurasana
Gandha Berundhasana efforts
Urdhva dhanurasana by stages to full pose, walking in, etc.
Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana preparation
Dwi Pada Viparita working toward full pose
Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana
Cool down poses (amsvana, uttana, parsva uttana, etc.)
Supported Halasana
Sarvangasana and variations if they help cool

Friday, November 28, 2014

More backbends, Yippee!!

 Kurmasana was the orginal plan, but  I'm  still more in a backbend frame of  mind.   This one is from  a Patricia Walden workshop two summers ago in Durango. 

Patricia in Durango 7/24/13 Day 4 Backbends
Sit w/o blankets, unless structural issue

Upana-samana kriya



Urdhva baddha guliasana


Uttanasana (repeat)
UH, look up
Urdhva namaskarasana
Utkatasana (don't let feet shrink)
VB 1 (pelvic heads up, eyes to back skull, look at back heel)
Eka pada AMS
Eka pada UMS, toes forward
chaturanga dandasana
Chaturanga (repeat w/UMS)

Standing on 2 low blocks, tadasana to UH, then eyes up

AM Vrksasana
Come down lightly w/2 legs
Place low blocks @wall, jump up
Mind remains taller


Supta Virasana
On what support you need or straight on floor

Supta Vajrasana (bekasana for those w/knee prob)


Parivrrta eka pada 1st stage

Vajrasana in sirsasana, toes point down

AMVrk prep for vrkchykasana

Backbend in chair

Urdhva danurasana

UD prep for viparita dandasana

Drop over to viparita dandasana onto chair @wall

Viparita dandasana prep

Kapotasana prep

Chakra bandasana from viparita dandasana   prep

Prone savasana
Blanket under abdomen

Feet on blocks @wall

Prasarita padotanasana
Hold ankles, head supported

(something sarvangasana  Halasana like)

Hook feet to outer edge of chair uprights, knees spread wide apart like baddha konasana, blankets support outer hips


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Morning Practice 10-12 at Clear Spring $20

--> Thanksgiving Practice - planting seeds for  Kapotasana

This sequence is based on one  Devon taught a couple weeks ago  with some additions from things I've learned from others  like Laurie and Joan and  experimenting in my own practice about what works for me)

Don't worry if you can't do everything. We work on things together.  (sort of like a thanksgiving potluck dinner now that I think about it)  

AM Parsva Sukasana
UH in Sukasana  then Parsva
Rope  Dog  several versions
Static rope and rope 1
AMVrk    and  pencil skirt prep
Sirsasana – Parsva
Two brick Paryanksasana
Parvatasana in Virasana  Parsva  also 
Supta Virasana with support to have flat pose
eka pada supta vira work 
Back bends over bolster on chair
Backbend over back of chair, chair  turned around get chair legs.
Chair dwi pada with vertical sticky roll supporting tailbone and  head
Backbend over horse,  hook  elbows under  then straight arm work
Dhanurasana salabasana- foot work at wall that Joan showed
Dhanurasana, parsva D
UD  several  from chair or two bolsters or floor depending on ability
Chair dwi pada various versions
Ustrasana  arching back toward and away from  chair 
AMS, parsva Utt   Utt,    
A couple chair twists. 
VK or  ardha  Halasana  both if time

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Iyengar Classes in Austin today

Wednesday Classes in Austin

  • 7:30-9:00 Mixed Level CSS-Devon
  • 9:30-1130 Teachers Practice -Peggy at her home studio
  • 10:00-11:30 Level I CSS-Leann
  • 10-11:15 Alignment for Life - AYT Mary
  • 11:30-1pm Mixed Level CDY-Connie
  • 12:00- 1:00 Beginner SEU - Seva
  • 12:00-1:30 Level 1-II AYI-Yves
  • 3:00 - 4:15 Iyengar Yoga AYT -Jonathan
  • 4:00-6:00 Hard Work CSS-Devon
  • 5:30-7:00 All Levels-RY-Karuna
  • 6:00 - 7:15 Iyengar Yoga AYT- Jonathan
  • 6:00-7:30 Level I-II AYI-Yves
  • 7:00- 8:00 Beginner-SY- Esta

Pranayama Workshop with Anne Saturday Morning

Clear Spring Studio presents
Philosophy, Asana, and Pranayama:
A Special Saturday Morning  Class with  Anne-Marie Schultz
November 22, 2014

“Breath is king of the mind.”  BKS Iyengar

In this morning workshop, we will discuss sutras that address pranayama and the importance of breathing, explore asanas that prepare us for pranayama, and practice basic supine and  seated  Ujjayi and Viloma pranayamas.  

Time:  10-12:30
Cost:  $30.00
Place:  Clear Spring Studio 
Reading: Patanjali’s  Yoga Sutras  1.31, 1.34,  2.29,  2.49-2.53  (Advanced Reading encouraged, but not required)

Contact Anne at register.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Friday Sequence Devon is leading through a Sequence based on what we learned at the Joan White Workshop.

An Intermediate Sequence, based on Joan White’s workshop

Adho mukha svanasana
Adho mukha vrksasana and variations
Supine urdhva hasta assisted various ways
Supine partner tractions
Pincha mayurasana and variations
Ekapada sirsa
Parsva sirsa
Parsvaikapada sirsa
Parsva Ekapada sirsa
Adho mukha virasana
Supta virasana
Supta virasana pelvis on bricks
Pushing up to kapotasana with arms and hips
Leg prep for dhanurasana
Parsva dhanurasana
Urdhva dhanurasana by stages
Urdhva dhanurasana full pose, walking in, etc.
Dwi pada viparita dandasana preparation
Dwi pada viparita working toward full pose
Eka pada urdhva dhanurasana
Cool down poses,
Supported halasana
Sarvangasana variations as possible

Iyengar Classes in Austin on Tuesday


  • 8:00-9:00am Level 1-3 CDY-Connie
  • 9:30-10:55 Level 2-3 (Focus on Form) CH- Anne
  • 9:30-10:45am Mixed Level CDY-Connie
  • 10:00 - 11:15 Fundamentals of Yoga AYT Jonathan
  • 1:15 - 2:30 Revive and Release AYT Jonathan
  • 4:15-5:45 Mixed Level CSS-Devon
  • 6:00-7:25 Beginner Series CSS-Devon
  • 6:00-7:30 Beginner series PHS-Peggy See AYI web and Facebook for details of start dates
  • 6:00-7:30 Mixed Level AYI Melissa

Monday, November 17, 2014

Iyengar Classes Today in Austin


  • 8:00 - 9:15 Iyengar Yoga AYT- Jonathan
  • 9:30-10:30 Level 1-2 (Alignment Yoga) CH - Gillian
  • 10-11:15 Alignment for Life AYT- Mary
  • 12-1:30 Level I-II AYI-Yves
  • 3:00 - 4:15 Iyengar Yoga AYT- Jonathan
  • 3:45-5:45 Level III-IV AYI-Peggy
  • 4:15-5:45 Gentle Work CSS- Devon
  • 4:30-6:00 All Levels RY Karuna
  • 6:00-7:30 All Levels SY- Esta
  • 6:45-8:00 Level 1-2 CDY- Connie

Special Iyengar Yoga Events for the Holiday Season

Special Iyengar  Yoga Events for the Holiday Season 

Saturday Nov 22  10-12:30    Philosophy, Pranayama and Asana  Mini Workshop  Clear Spring Studio  $30.00  10% discount for  Iynascus members.

Thursday November  27th.  Thanksgiving  Day   10:00-12:00  The  Annual Backbend Practice  at Clear Spring   $20.00

Saturday December  13   Lessons from  Pune  9:30 -12:00 and 2-4.       35  for the morning and  25 for the afternoon or  50  for  both.   10% discount for  Iynascus members.

Saturday December  20.  Devon’s  Holiday Generosity Class.  All proceeds given to Bellur and a local  charity.    

10:30-12:30.   Clear Spring.

Jan  2    Advanced Practice    4:30-6:30     15  Backbends for  2015    $20.00

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Laurie Blakeney is coming back to Austin


January 23-25, 2015

Living the Legacy of Iyengar Yoga
A Weekend Workshop with

Clear Spring Studio

Laurie Blakeney  has an Advanced Level Teaching Certificate granted to her by B.K.S. Iyengar. She began her Iyengar yoga studies in 1971, and has studied annually in Pune India at the Iyengar Institute since 1983.  Laurie has served our national Iyengar Yoga community by being on the IYNAUS Board, chair of the Certification Committee, Curriculum co-chair of 4 national conventions among other committee service. 

 She brings to her class a uniquely personal and direct style of teaching, challenging students while helping them to enjoy exploring their potential. She loves to include artistic and philosophical considerations while staying true to the precision we know to be a cornerstone of the Iyengar method. She is also Anne’s mentor in the assessment process.  

Schedule of Classes   at  Clear Spring Studio  605 A Copeland St 78704     

  Friday 6:30 - 8:30pm           
       Saturday 9:30am - Noon      
       Saturday 2:30 - 5:00pm      
  Sunday 9:30am - Noon      


 Two Hour  Class  $45.00   2.5 Hour Classes  $55.00   Whole Workshop discount $200.00  We are pleased to offer  an additional $10.00 discount on full workshop for IYNAUS members and  for members of  Austin Yoga Institute  teacher training.  Contact Devon  to enroll   at  You can  contact Devon through the webpage  as well  www.ClearSpringStudio.Com    

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Check out this Iyengar Yoga Retreat in Mexico with Jen Kagan

 Hi all, 

Jenn shared a flat with me and Jeff   this summer in Pune. 

Here's a lovely retreat  she's offering   Feb  21-28.  in  Mexico

Beach Retreat

Monday, November 10, 2014

Devon is leading advanced Practice on Friday. Here's the sequence

Ardha chandrasana
Standing marichyasana on chair plus block under foot
Upavistha konasana
Eka pada upavistha upright, eka pada baddha kona
Upavistha konasana upright same as before.  5 minutes.
Ekapada janu sirsasana eka pada upavistha.
Marichyasana R leg, and Upavistha upright L leg.
Upavistha konasana upright same as before.  5 minutes.
Ekapada janu sirsasana eka pada upavistha.
Extend the toes of the foot toward the L side.  Roll the calf manouso’s way.
Marichyasana R leg, and Upavistha upright L leg.
Upavistha konasana upright
Virasana R leg, upavistha upright L leg
 [Jody will put money down that the virasana variation goes BEFORE the marichy  variation, but I’m not sure.  Have to practice to find out.]
Upavistha konasana upright
Sarvangasana on mats and blankets
Do baddha konasana sarvangasana
Niralamba sarvangasana, special variation to lift chest
Sarvangasana I again
Baddha kona in sarvangasana repeat. 
Niralamba, pressing baddha kona thighs up to ceiling.  Release the lower back.
Sarvangasana again.  Baddha konasana sarvangasana again.
Niralamba again
Eka pada sarvangasana 90 deg. Repeating thrice.
Savasana flat pillow under head.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Joan White Starts tonight at 6

Here's the link to all the info.

Joan White: Approaching Intermediate Asana

NOVEMBER 7-9 , 2014
A Workshop for All Levels
(Except for Sunday 9am’s pranayama class, all are asana classes)
Friday 6:00 - 8:30pm                                 ($55)
Saturday  9:30am - Noon                          ($55)
Saturday  2:30pm - 5:00pm                       ($55)
Sunday 9:00am - 10:00am (pranayama)    ($25)
Sunday 11:00am - 1:00pm                           ($45)
 COST:  $200 Total for Full Attendance: $185 for IYASCUS members.  Any partial attendance, please pay per-class prices.
Joan returns to Austin after some years’ absence.  She’s been busy, both as a Senior level Iyengar teacher working full time in her studio in Philadelphia, but also being a past chair of our certification committee and who remains an active assessor.  Joan has helped shape our training and assessment process over many years.
Joan was one of BKS Iyengar’s earliest students from when he first began teaching in the US over 40 years ago.  She brings her longtime and nuanced understanding of the Iyengar method to our workshop.
In this workshop, we have asked Joan to help us learn ways of approaching more difficult poses.  We will explore the sequencing to prepare, and Joan will help with alternative poses for those with difficulties.  The Intermediate poses are frequently much more interesting and fun to work on than beginner poses, so plan ahead for a splendid time moving into some new terrain in body and mind.
For information and enrollment, email Devon using the ‘contact us’ window at the bottom of this web page.
Please consider carpooling to and from the sessions.  Parking is limited to the spaces on the interior of the block.  NO parking on Copeland St. or South 2nd St., even in front of our buildings.  ONLY the interior spaces.  Many motels, hotels, markets, and eateries are near the studio, plenty of them in walking distance or a short drive.  If you are an out of town attendee, look at the workshops page of Clear Spring’s website to see a link to a list of motels, hotels and vacation home rentals (available for weekly or weekend rates).

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Lessons from Pune Workshop only six weeks from today.

Lessons From Pune:
A  Workshop with  Anne-Marie Schultz
December 13, 2014

In honor of the celebration of BKS’ Birthday and the continuing legacy of his life, Anne is  offering a one day workshop  based on her recent two month study in Pune.

Morning  Session  9:30-12:00 
Topic:  Standing Poses, Backbends, and Inversions.
Cost: $35.00

Afternoon Session   2:00-4:00
Topic More Inversions, Forward Bends, and Twists.
Cost: $25.00

Whole workshop discount $50.00.
Contact Anne at register.
10% of the proceeds will be donated to the Bellur fund.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Lots of New Classes Posted

Hi  Everyone,

Please note  I added  Connie's  classes at  Can Do  Yoga    and   the classes offered by Jonathan and Mary Austin Yoga  Tree.

I've also posted some changes to Melissa's, Peggy's, and Esta's offerings. 

If you know of other  Iyengar  classes in Austin or  if there are changes to these offerings,  please keep me posted.

Keep Practicing. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Here's the sequence for Friday

Anne will lead this Friday.   No  practice  next week because of  Joan White.  Devon will lead Nov  14.

This one is based on a  Patricia Walden sequence  with a little padmasana work added in for Susan. 

Calf, foot and ankle mashing
BK  on bolster with sticky roll
UVK  going forward
Padmasana  prep at  wall, then padmasana


PW sequence starts here.  The bolded  stuff  Anne  added in

Adho Mukha virasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
AMS  (Hands on bricks  move chest in)
·      With two bricks one under each shoulder blade
·      Belt on the upper arms

With  one brick and   belt under , 


Gomukasana prep and arm circles with strap.

Parsvottanasana – did not go forward
·      Arms up in baddiguyliasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
·      Moved the shoulders forward to get the dorsal spine in
·      Keep it in as you come back in to AMS
·      gomakasana arms and go forward


PM  prep on chair with the various hand positions


·      Parivrtta ekapada

Work on  bent leg approach and  also from Parsva

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
With two bricks
Second time knees to the floor to open the chest more….
The back was not moving in enough so she had us get chairs

Paryankasana on a chair
·      Sit in virasana
·      Shoulder blades on the front edge of the chair
·      Extend the arms through the top bar

Kapotasana prep over the folded chair

·      Front thighs on the front edge of the chair
·      Holding the seat and pulling the chair in toward me
·      Three regular
·      We worked on the different positions of the toes and heels
·      Toes up
·      Heels up and toes slightly down
·      Heels up and toes really pulled down
·      You can feel a difference in the hamstrings

Parsva  D

Urdhva Dhanurasana
Knees to the wall working on the legs
Then from head on the floor lifting the toes up to open the chest more

Dwi Pada viparita dandasana
Worked with head support – blanket then a soft brick then a hard brick
Block between wrists and lift head up
Feet at the wall to straighten the legs
Eke pada with the feet at the wall

kapotasana  work

EPraj  1

Eka pada rajakapotasana II
Back shin on the wall

Utt  buttocks at wall
Parsva Utt

Chair supported Halasana

And more  sarvangasana

Then savasana with calves on the seat of the chair